June 27, 2008


Lauren is another one of my Bfflaas. She is really funny, and spastic. I met her in 6th grade and we have been friends since. She always is in a good mood, I have never seen her cry, get mad, or yell... well she yells, but she yells randomly all the time. We also use to make up words of the day. So one day we were looking at her crayons and looked at the color black, you know how they have the name in like different languages or synonyms. Yah, well it said negro for black... isn't that racist... I AM SUEING CRAYOLA FOR RACISICM! Well no I am not, because I like their supplies. Anyway's I said, "That is so ractist... lets see another word for white." So wer looked at white and saw 'blanco' for a word for white. So that day Lauren and I made blanco the word of the day. It was so fun. She is so funny!